Can you help establish NZ's new Centre for Environmental Justice?

In the Manawatū-Whanganui, a new Centre for Environmental Justice is under way – a ginger group, incipient think tank, and home for voices for environmental justice in the region, and New Zealand.

The Centre needs your help. “Support for us in this start-up phase will cover basic start-up costs, and the cost of the considerable time involved to make sure that the Centre is well set up and securely funded, to be able to continue. There is a lot to do to establish the Centre and turn it into more than a good idea, and we can't do it without your help.”

You can read more here about who’s involved, and what’s planned.

Make a donation here to help.

The Centre’s aims include:

  • Through science, policy and advocacy - exposing environmental injustice, confronting privilege and power structures that are or have been unjust and, where harm to people and place has been done, asking those responsible for it to take responsibility.
  • In relevant policy (such as clean water, environment, resource management, climate, conservation) - defending and calling for people’s involvement, and accountability to local people, through their democratic participation, in governance, and as kaitiaki.
  • Delivering justice between all of society, not a select few; justice for the natural world, that has as much right for existence as anyone; and justice for future generations.
  • Understanding who is benefiting from current policy, who is paying the price for poor policy, and working to rebalance the scales

5 things you can do in 5 mins:

Read a brief manifesto

Learn more about environmental justice and eco-justice

Make a Givealittle donation to support the work and help cover start-up costs

Follow what’s happening on Twitter

Pass it on!